Saturday, June 11, 2011


Whether it is a painting or the written word, the ideas seem to come out of nowhere and the composition and words follow, as if they have been previously programmed somewhere in my head. Editing and revisions often are necessary, but the overall idea usually remains intact. This is good, and I am grateful when it happens.

But since I seem to have no control over this process, I am at the mercy of those muses that do; the result is times like this, when I have the time and the interest to write, but nothing is there. That was the case this morning. I am alone in a motel room in Hershey PA and have more than an hour before I leave for the college reunion festivities and wanting to write a post for my blog.

I thought about writing about the beautiful countryside in the Lebanon valley with its rolling hills, green and ochre farm land and scattered barns, but the dote that I am did not make the effort to take some photos.

Then there is last night’s Alumni Awards dinner where I was one of several recipients of a citation (an engraved metal plate and a Gold college engraved medallion…I scratched it but could not find any chocolate.) I considered, and then dismissed this as a subject of the post…too boring and self-serving.

The people at the dinner?…also a no. Only a few of my classmates and none that I knew well, more are expected for today’s events. Maybe today I can get some photos of my classmates and the campus and put together an interesting post for this blog.

Now that is a good idea. I will just forget about posting anything today.

Billy, your not just a tiger…you’re a brilliant tiger.

Three room-mates and their dates...senior year at LVC...1961

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