Tuesday, December 13, 2011

12-12…Risotto with mushrooms, asparagus, and sausage

It felt like a risotto kind of night…OK…so that’s pushing things a bit, but really, risotto seemed appropriate, and I had just the right stuff in the fridge to make it happen.


Sausage with casing removed
Olive oil
Garlic, onions
Dill, Oregano, and basil
Chicken brotParmigiano Reggiano cheese


Cook the sausage, remove, and set aside. Saute the garlic and onion in olive oil, then add the mushrooms and asparagus and cook. Remove and add to the sausage and keep warm.

In a deep pot heat a small amount of olive oil and add the rice, stirring until turning a golden color…about 3 minutes. Then begin adding the broth, about ½ cup at a time, stirring constantly until absorbed. Continue to do so until all of broth is used and the rice becomes soft and creamy. Mix in the cheese, and then the vegetables and serve.


This is a great dish…simple, but a bit time consuming with all the stirring, so a glass of wine by the stove helps considerably.

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