I am sustained by pasta, cooking it, eating it, and most of all, sharing it with family and friends. After months of thoughtful consideration, well, maybe a week or two, I've decided to offer small, informal cooking demonstrations/workshops on the preparation of pasta dishes. The focus will be on the use of readily available ingredients from our local markets and the goal will be to have a great meal with good wine and an abundance of fun.
Below in a description of the workshop. Wish me Luck!
One of the enduring pleasures in my life is cooking, eating, and sharing pasta with family and friends. (anyone eating at our table is a friend.) I have had no formal training, and make no claims at being an authority on Italian cooking. But between growiing up in my mother’s kitchen and years of cooking, I’ve become pretty good at preparing a dish of pasta.
So here’s the deal. I’m inviting folks to join me in our kitchen where I will demonstrate how simple it is to prepare a wonderful pasta dish using ingredients readily available in local stores and markets. The only thing you have to provide is an appetite and a sense of humor because I’m planning on this being a lot of fun.
Each session can accommodate up to 4 people and will start at 6:30 PM and end when the meal has been completed and consumed. La Casa Renzulli will provide wine and nonalcoholic beverages as well as a copies of personal recipes I have created over the past 10 years.
To schedule a workshop, or for more information, call 270-444-2020 or e-mail me at wfrenzulli@mac.com. Menu preferences and “food issues”, allergies, intolerances, and dislikes can be addressed then.
Price...first session - $70.00 per person or $125.00 per couple. Subsequent sessions - $55.00 per person