Saturday, February 3, 2018

2-3-18 Gemelli with ham

There was just enough leftover baked ham in the fridge to use for tonight’s pasta.

1.     Gemelli pasta
2.     Baked ham coarsely chopped
3.     Sundried tomatoes chopped
4.     Olive oil
5.     Butter
6.     Carrots
7.     Celery
8.     Dried tarragon
9.     Garlic
10. Leeks
11. Sweet Vermouth
12. Chicken Broth
13. Red pepper flakes


 Cook the Leek, carrots, and parsley in olive oil until soft, add the garlic and sundried tomatoes and continue cooking. About 5 minutes later add the tarragon and chicken broth and continue cooking while waiting for the pasta. When the broth cooks down add some wine.  Add the past and some pasta water and cook for another 1-2 minutes before serving.


Wow, this was good, a unique flavor that we really enjoyed. It was worth taking the time to write this up and post.

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