Market Square east watercolor 15x60"
Market Square detail
A companion painting to this piece is underway...same size and format. I imagine them to become part of a larger series of Paducah streetscapes depicting the streets as they are, as they were, and in some cases, as they could be.
The White Tower acrylic 48x48"
White Tower detail
As previously stated, this will be the first of several paintings depicting landscapes that just are not. A second piece is currently in progress.
The perspectives and depth are just wonderful. Beautiful.
I love these -- the watercolor street scapes AND the misplaced items! And do I hear that birthday wishes are in order? I guess if not now, they will be sometime this year, so I'll just say it now -- Happy Birthday!
This is very cool. It reminds me of when I drive down the highway to Santa Fe and my mind's eye drifts to the sights and feelings of New York streets. Well done!
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