Big Red St. clay drawing...aprox 14x28:
Because my attention span is so short...I rarely spend more than 15-30 minutes at one time working on a painting or drawing...I like to have 2 or more works in progress at the same time so I can move from one to the other (between reading and napping of course). For the past several days these 2 works have served that purpose.
The clay drawing above was done on a clay print I pulled from the storage bin, originally printed 6 or 7 years ago. The more I looked at it the easier it became to see a street scene in it. I'm now considering the possibility of one or more distant buildings on the left side of the image.
At the same time, I've been tending to my more anal needs working on the 2 pieces below, one is finished, the other still a WIP.

Columns & Arches WIP...watercolor...8x28

Columns & Arches I watercolor...8x28"
I also managed this small piece...clay drawing aprox. 4x10"