Sunday, September 6, 2009


In the almost 2 weeks since my last post I've been busy making my own panels and saving considerable money doing so. I like painting on wood, and a 24x24 quarter inch birch panel at Lowes costs about $4.00. A simple frame or cradle can me made for about $6.00 from 1x2" poplar, and after several coats of gesso you have a great surface on which to paint. After making 3 24x24 and one 24x48 I began painting. The first piece can be seen below. The sky is actually a very pale yellow, obviously missed by the camera. I'll try shooting it again. And I just realized that I left the upper opening to the loft in the red barn unfinished! Oh well, sometimes the head doesn't connect with the rest of me.

no title yet

I'm almost embarrassed to show this is another warm sky - red barn - ochre foreground. Clearly I'm in a rut. But when inspiration is wanting, it is nice to have something to fall back on. I will have to do something about that.

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