Saturday, September 26, 2009


and enjoying myself in the process. There is a very large watercolor - 16x60- about 80% completed, and 2 panels waiting for my attention sitting on easels, but I cannot tear myself away from these small watercolor landscapes. They are proving to be very helpful in getting me to loosen up in my approach to watercolors, something I have been very self critical of.

I try limiting myself to no more than 3 pigments, with an occasional 4th for highlights when needed. Here are the results of yesterdays efforts:

Cotton woods #1 wc 4x7"

Cotton woods #2 wc 5x7"

1 comment:

Julio Rodrigues said...

That's what like about small works...they force you to limit details and simplify. But they are also quick (instant gratification) and easy to frame.