Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Early Morning watercolor 3x4"

I'm working my way down the ladder with this 3x4" painting.


Julio Rodrigues said...

You have wide-ranging talent, but I just love these small - and (can I say "minimalistic"?) watercolors. I have to hold the temptation to copy them with my brushes. They are so pure, limpid, crystal clear, and beautiful. I think congratulations are in order.

William F. Renzulli said...

Go ahead and copy them. You will invariably put your own "signature" on the painting, it can't be helped.

laurie said...

You know, Bill, I have never really seen the camera you shoot with, have I?... your artwork is always so very sharp and you can see the texture so well, especially on these small ones! Do you use a close up lens? I'll have to see it next time I'm down. They are always wonderful!!

William F. Renzulli said...

Laurie, I use a Fuji 5.2 mega pixals point and shoot camera (E510) and always use a tripod. For very small work It has a macro lens setting.

laurie said...

aha, a macro setting! Well, it captures the details of your art beautifully... and the colors are always so vibrant!