Today's post is a copy of my regular Gallery-Studio newsletter than I send out once or twice a month.
I don’t think I’m cut out to be the person that I am. For years I have longed to live the “simple life”, an uncluttered life with simple aspirations and goals, filled with satisfaction and contentment, and generally free of conflict, stress, and drama.
Where did I go wrong? Was it my decision to go into medicine, or art, or perhaps marriage? Or was it the move from the farm to Paducah, where I opened a retail gallery for my art, a gallery and studio so filled with artwork and “stuff” that I can hardly move around in it?
The truth? None of the above. The only way simple enters into my life is when I say or write, I am simply a cluttered man. My gallery is cluttered with art. My studio is cluttered with supplies, some of which I use once every 312 years, my study has so many fountain pens (and 2 more are on there way), notebooks, and books that there is no room for me. My kitchen is cluttered with books, magazines, and bottles of Olive oil. And worst of all, my mind is cluttered with ideas of things I should do, paint, draw,and/or write.
I am still up to my neck in this Paducah Portfolio, and I’m already thinking about my next major project or two…or three or four. I am amazed I can get anything accomplished, but somehow it happens. Here is the latest entries into the Paducah Portfolio…
The heart and soul of Lower town...Etc. Coffee house |
the south side of Broadway from 2nd to 3rd streets |
I may not be cut out to be the person that I am, but the person that I am has been a most fortunate man. I have been able to successfully pursue my life dreams, designing a life of my own choosing. I’ve been blessed with a wonderful family, and equally wonderful friends. And I have all of you who so graciously tolerate my affliction (I believe everyone is interested in what I have to say.) and allow me to sound off like I am now.
If I wasn’t me I would be envious of me.
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