I'm gonna be a doctor!
Seasoned by the first year, my classmates and I were prepared for the avalanche of material we were expected to assimilate during this overwhelming year. This was undoubtedly the most demanding of the four years because of the voluminous amount of material which included: pathology, hematology, pharmacology, laboratory medicine, and microbiology. Like the first year, we were kept busy all day every day with labs and lectures. All of this was rendered palatable by one small course inserted in the midst of everything else, we were taught the fundamentals of the physical examination where we were to use, for the first time, the symbol of our trade, the stethoscope.
There is a lot to remember about this most memorable of the four years at Jefferson, the first of which is the apartment I shared with Gene Doo. We decided to move out of the fraternity house and found the apartment at the end of year one. While Gene returned to his home in Honolulu for the summer, I moved into the apartment and made it a “home” for us. I spent the summer working in one of the ENT labs being paid for doing basically nothing. As I recall I wasn’t paid much. Our apartment was about two blocks from the fraternity house so we could easily continue to get our meals there. It wason E. Pine St. in what was to become a very fashionable neighborhood in Philadelphia’s Society Hill. But in 1962 Society Hill existed only in the minds of the city planners, and rents were still affordable. It was on the second floor, and consisted of a kitchen, bath living room and 2 small bedrooms. Now, almost 50 years later, I remember little of our day to day life in that dusty abode, but certain memories persist, fodder for my next post.
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