The choice is always ours. Then let me choose the longest art,
The hard Promethean way, cherishingly to tend and feed and fan
That inward fire, whose small precarious flame, kindled or quenched,
Creates the noble or ignoble men we are,
The worlds we live in and the very fates,
Our bright or muddy stars. *
*Aldous Huxley
Our lives are a series of choices, usually far more then we ever appreciate. The fortunate person is one who recognizes the choices, and has the courage and the will to make the choices they desire, regardless of the difficulty and risk. Windows of opportunities will exist, often quite fleetingly, and the greater the opportunity the smaller the window.

Cultivate a relationship with yourself...make it your goal to learn all that you can about who you are, to understand your feelings and your thoughts, to identify the real person, the true self that is you. And while you do this, a process that never ends, embrace the self that you discovered and dedicate your life to enabling that person to become all that he or she can be.
Listen closely to the songs and poems that arise within you, both the happy ones and the sad ones, and trust their quiet messages. Trust your dreams, your aspirations, and your imagination, for these are of yourself, and that alone makes them worthy of your unwavering trust.