Friday, January 18, 2008


The initial impetus to start this blog last fall was to create a venue to promote my book, HAVE I TOLD YOU TODAY THAT I LOVE YOU, and, over the life of the blog I have posted excerpts from time to time, along with the artwork. But I have never really explained or described the genesis and the purpose of the book. I would like to do that today.

For the first 35 years I lived my life on the surface, fulfilling expectations that I, and others, had for me, without much deep, critical thought on my part. They were good years, and I was very satisfied and happy with the choices I made: college, medical school, marriage, residency, and eventually private practice. But after 4-5 years a growing desire for a deeper and more meaningful spiritual life led me on journey that opened an entirely new dimension to life; I discovered the inner life. A life where we can discover who and what we really are, a life wherein lies our dreams, our souls or our psyches. I believe everyone interprets this “place” from their own unique perspective. In a recent post I referred to it as the “spiritual sweet spot”. What ever we choose to call it, I believe it is all the same.

That journey lasted for 4 or 5 years, during which time I discovered the artist within me, and found the courage and will to set him free. It was as painful as it was liberating, and there were many lessons to be learned. And it is the experiences and the lessons from that journey that I felt obligated to pass on to my children. I want them to live their lives as freely as I have lived mine.

Below is the preface from the book and the artwork that preceded it. (Every page of text has a facing page of art.)


These words come from a place deep within me, born out of times of anguish, frustration, joy and sorrow, successes and failures, and seasoned by liberal doses of anxiety, depression, and self doubt in a spiritual awakening that literally transformed my life. I discovered my soul. Th ese experiences have come together to form a central force that has guided my life, enabling me to navigate a personal journey that at one time was unthinkable. I am indebted to others who, through their writing, have shared the experiences and lessons of their own personal journeys. I hope that I can do the same for those that follow me.


Linda said...

Yikes -- what a week you've had!!! I'm quite intrigued by your story, you know. :-)

Jean Levert Hood said...

What a beautiful gift to leave to your children, Bill. Your artistic abilities are rich and varied.

This is another wonderful painting.