Saturday, December 8, 2007

Josephine and Spartaco

I am 68 years old, and there is not a day that goes by that I don’t think of my parents. (My mother died in December, 1991, and my father in the autumn of 1995.) I don’t know if this is unusual for someone my age, if it is because I was an only child, or if it is because I am such a sentimental softy. I suspect the real reason is because they were such remarkable people, and that they gave me so much. Ironically, with all the writing that I do, writing about them is very difficult for me. Perhaps because I’m afraid I will not do them the justice they deserve.

What follows is one way around this obstacle.


I believe that I am the person I am because of my mother and father.

I believe that what I have accomplished of any worth, and may yet accomplish, is due to my parents.

I believe that anything of value that I may pass on to my children is simply what my parents gave to me.

I believe my parents taught me about love. They taught me about tolerance and forgiveness, and they taught me about humility. My parents showed me that a person of worth treats everyone with the same respect and warmth and that your behavior toward others is not determined by their socioeconomic status.

I believe that the greatest of the many gifts they bestowed upon me was a sense
of self worth and self esteem, which have allowed me to take the paths I have followed in my life.

I believe that my life is a reflection on my mother and father, and therefore attempt to conduct myself in a way that will honor them. I want to be worthy of the gifts they gave me.

I believe all of this with every fiber of my being.


Anonymous said...

I believe you did your parents' memories justice. Nice to see optimistic and positive comments. We miss y'all as well. I'll drop by your space sometime soon. I'm in poker school at Harrah's through next week, so I am doing 16 extra hours this coming week.

timerulesmylife said...

Bill, what an awesome post. Almost made me cry. Your words are an inspiration to me. Valerie

Patience-please said...

And what he didn't say, folks, is how proud his parents were of him. And how he made his mom laugh! And how close he and his dad became.

What a treasure to witness!
