Sunday, December 30, 2007


MIXED MEDIA aprox 24x24

Ester is right. I've been thinking too much. All I've been able to do all day is hang around the studio looking for busy work. I finally gave up, came in the kitchen and have started a large pot of gravy, aka "sauce". This one has italian sausage and chicken thighs, and will cook for several hours leaving a heavenly smell throughout the house. At that point I won't give a damn about the studio. Maybe after the pasta, wine and whatever, the muses will decided to come back.

The mixed media above was done about 3 years ago on thick coldpress illustration board witn a pastel background and scale lumber and other "stuff" around the studio. the foreground is pastel over acrylic molding paste applied to 1" blue foam insulation which was glued to the board. The entire structure is about 1" in relief.

Happy new year to all who see this post. To my growing family of bloggers, thank you for your comments and for sharing your work with all of us.


dog face girls said...

Hi Bill,

What time is dinner??

Happy New Year too



Mary Thorsby said...

Happy New Year to you, too! I've been enjoying your blog -- and am so happy to see so many great folks in Paducah on the blog trail! Maybe we can inspire a few more in 2008! xoxoxmt

Ester Wilson said...

i love this piece - it's very beautiful.