I decided on a crab meat-ricotta- mushroom filling with a bit of Romana cheese. The ravioli will be served under a creamy fresh tomato sauce.

2 ½ cups of all-purpose flour
1 cup of very hot water
Crab meant…pre cooked in refrigerated seafood section
Ricotta cheese
Mushrooms, cut into small pieces
Lemon zest
Fresh tomato sauce…described in recent posts
Heavy whipping cream
For the filling…Cook the mushrooms and garlic with dill in olive oil and allow to cool. In a bowl combine equal amounts of mushrooms, crab meat, and ricotta cheese and mix well. Add the zest on one lemon to the mix.
For the ravioli…in a large bowl combine the flour and water and mix with spoon until large clumps form. Then work with your hands for several minutes until a large ball of dough is created. Use flour to keep it from becoming to sticky. Divide the dough in half and on a well floured surface, with a well floured rolling pin, roll the dough to a thickness of abour 1/8”. This stage requires some judgment on your part. Place a dollops of filling on the dough, cover by folding over the dough and cut. Some water may be needed if the edges of the dough do not stick.

For the sauce…after warming the sauce transfer to a blender or food processor and pulse until creamy. Return to the pan and add the cream. ( Coconut milk can be substituted for the cream.)
The sauce and filling were delicious, but I was severely disappointed in the dough. I thought I rolled it as thin as I could and still have it “workable”, but it was still too heavy and thick, taking away from the the rest of the ingredients. I guess there is a limit to what you can do with just flour and water.
I will make this again…with regular pasta dough!
Note..This was the 81st pasta dinner to close out our first 4 months of pasta!