Thursday, September 22, 2011

9-22...Florentine X 2

This is one of those nights when I feel the need to use some of the many items that have accumulated in the refrigerator over the past several days. After looking things over I’ve decided on the ground pork, fresh spinach, and the leftover creamy tomato sauce from 2 days earlier. I may have to add to the sauce if there is not enough…should not be a problem. For the pasta I bought some “gourmet” spinach pasta at Tuesday Morning. That’s right..Tuesday Morning.


Creamy tomato sauce (see blog post from 9-20)
Spinach pasta
Ground pork
Olive oil
Fresh spinach
Red wine


Cook the pork in olive oil with a splash of red wine about half way through, add the spinach, and when it is fully cooked add the tomato sauce.

Add the cooked pasta, plus some pasta water as needed, and mix well. Serve with grated parmesan cheese.


This picture says it all!

Sometimes the best meals come with the least planning.

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