Monday, October 24, 2011

10-24…Welcome home Patience pasta

I wanted something different, some subtle Italian aphrodisiac. (I won’t know until later if I’ve been successful.) I checked the fridge and came up with this mish mash of ingredients; if it works I’ll be able to retire completely.


Farfalle pasta
Chicken breast, filleted
Garlic, onion
Olive oil
Sun dried tomatoes in oil
Fresh parsley, basil, and oregano
White wine


Coarsely chop the bacon and cook until crisp. Remove, drain, and set aside.

Cook the garlic and onions in olive oil and add the chicken breasts to brown. Remove the chicken and cut it into small pieces. Return the chicken to the pan along with the chopped sun dried tomatoes and herbs. When the pasta is added to the water add the arugula to the pan, cover, and simmer over low heat while the past cooks. Add a splash of wine before the pasta is done.

Add the pasta to the pan, mix well and add parmesan cheese over the top before serving.


Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Gus said...

I think it probably turned out great! Anything with bacon, onions and garlic goes over fine in our house.
