Navy beans
Olive oil
Garlic and onions
Bacon, chopped
Dry basil and oregano
Parmigiano reggiano cheese
Cook the bacon, remove to drain, and pour off the bacon fat. Add olive oil to the pan and sauté the garlic and onion until soft. Add the beans, herbs and seasoning, and simmer over low heat while the pasta cooks.
Add the pasta and bacon to the sauce and mix well. Serve with the PR cheese.
As always, save some pasta water to add to the sauce if you think it is too thick.
I am not going to call this a 50. I have learned to curb my enthusiasm. But it most certainly is a 10 (on a scale of 1-3).
In the future I will present more variations of this dish.
Our favorite variation is the one with Shrimp and spinach added, or maybe Shrimp and basil, depending on what we crave...no bacon in those.
That sounds like something I will have to try. Have never combined beans and shrimp.
Merry Christmas to you and your all.
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