Wednesday, February 22, 2012

2-22...pasta with tomato sauce with sausage and arugula

Tonight I'll prepare a quick version of "Sunday gravy" using Italian sausage made by a local Chicago Italian market (thanks to Amy and Bob).   The process is the same one used for the Sunday gravy, only the cooking time is greatly reduced, resulting in a looser sauce.


Al Dente pasta
Italian sausage
San Marzano peeled whole tomatoe
Olive oil
Garlic and onion
Dry basil and oregano
Red wine
Red pepper flakes


Brown the sausage, remove, and deglaze the pan with the wine.  In olive oil with the red pepper flakes cook the garlic and onion until transparent, then add the tomatoes, spices, and sausage and cook under cover over low heat for at least 20-30 minutes (long enough to cook the sausage).

Just before the pasta is ready remove the sausage.  Place pasta in large serving bowl, add the sauce and the arugula, mix well, and serve.


The key to the success of this meal?   Forgetting the arugula!!  About half way through the dinner I remembered the arugula.  Fortunately it did not make any difference...this was scrumptious!

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