Sunday, March 4, 2012


This will be the last piece I create for the Barns & Farms show.  I think.  Perhaps.  Maybe.  We'll see.
Standing Tall...oil pastel and ink on a clay mono type

In order for me to hang all of the work for this show in the weeks ahead, I must first find a place for all of the art now on the gallery walls, and if you have been in my studio lately you know what a challenge that will be.  So...yesterday, as I began working on my space project, I had the brilliant idea (yes, I am convinced it was brilliant.) of taking all of the strange paintings and constructions from Paducah years one and two and showing them on the up-coming Second Saturday.  They will be priced to sell, and I will then have more space available in the studio.

I'm thinking...a Wall of Weird Works.

The list price for each piece will be..."Make an offer will be refused!"  How brilliant is that?  Of course to succeed I have to get people into the gallery.  I will post the results of this effort next week.  Wish me well.

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