Thursday, July 21, 2011


I thought I would spend a little time with the clay...specifically the clay drawings...focusing on downtown Paducah, choosing the local restaurants for my first set of drawings. I don't know how far I'll go with this series, but it gives me something to do and think about besides pasta, napping, reading, and worrying about everything else. And they are fun to do!

Here are the first three...they all measure 11x14 (or 14x11)


C.C. Cohen

Max's Brick Oven


B said...

I've seen how you do your clay had show Gracie and I one day a while back. But how are you doing these? I think they are wonderful. Very nice work Bill.

William F. Renzulli said...

B, I print the background colors to approximate the colors of the buildings. The rest is done using a combination of markers and a touch of acrylic for the highlights.